Game Jam Post Mortem
Greetings everyone, Now that the gamejam is officially over I wanted to thank everyone for the kind comments and the feedback about the game. I will go over everything during the weekend and create tasks on my board so I can keep track of what changes need to be done and so that everyone can also keep track of the progress for the next version of the game.
If you want to track the game’s progress I have created a new section on my project board where everyone can see the tasks and also create new tickets: Project Board
With that out of the way, let me also give my feedback on how this gamejam went for me. The good:
- Had a lot of fun developing this game and giving it a windows 95 era sort of aesthetic;
- The gamejam helped me take my mind off work stress and to spark my creativity again.
The “bad”:
- Kinda overscoped myself with this game and had to cut some parts near the end to be able to finish on time(e.g.: Didn’t get time to implement the bosses as intended);
- The tutorial ended up being a bit “rushed”, as in not explaining properly the mechanics by providing examples.
Overall, I’m really happy with how it went and am proud of what came out of it and am thankful for everyone’s support :) you guys rock!
That is all for now, will try to give more news soon.
Kind Regards,
Nuno “Omega Leo” Diogo
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